Protecting the precious environment
Environmental management system

In order to promote and develop environmental activities, each division has set environmental goals and numerical targets and is making steady efforts.

Haseko Group’s Environmental Policy

The Haseko Group makes efforts to protect the global environment and contributes to the realization of a sustainable society based on its corporate philosophy “to contribute to society by creating an optimal environment for cities and people,” and CSR Policy that aims to integrate social and environmental concerns into its business processes.

  1. Basic measures
    We will work together with our customers, partner companies, and various stakeholders involved to solve highly important environmental issues related to the Haseko Group’s business activities.
    • ・Realizing cyclical resource use through effective use of resources and further promotion of waste reduction
    • ・Reducing CO₂ emissions to contribute to a low-carbon society
    • ・Conserving biodiversity through pollution prevention and nature and ecosystem-conscious efforts
  2. Legal compliance and communication
    We will comply with environmental laws, agreements and voluntary standards, and will conduct education on the environment for employees working in the Haseko Group on a regular basis. We will also disclose information on our environment-related activities and actively communicate with internal and external stakeholders.
  3. Management
    We will establish and operate a management system that includes the setting of objectives and targets for promoting the above activities, and will improve the system on a continuous basis.

Haseko Group Code of Conduct on Biodiversity

Basic philosophy

The Haseko Group engages in corporate activities based on its Group Philosophy "To contribute to society by creating an optimal environment for cities and people." By engaging in biodiversity-conscious corporate activities based on the recognition that people and companies reap various benefits from the natural environment, we will endeavor to help conserve and improve biodiversity in pursuit of a more comfortable and sustainable global environment.

Action guidelines

  • Compliance
    We will comply with laws and regulations, etc. related to biodiversity conservation, identify related policies and social demands and endeavor to reflect our knowledge of them in business activities.
  • Education and enlightenment
    We will spread knowledge required for biodiversity conservation activities and information on laws and regulations, etc. through in-house education, etc. and raise employees' awareness of the value of the ecosystem.
  • Consideration in construction business
    We will implement biodiversity-conscious plans, designs and proposals, and endeavor to avert and reduce the impact of construction work.
  • Research and development
    We will accumulate information and technological knowledge related to the ecosystem and promote related technological research and development.
  • Collaboration with society
    We will endeavor to contribute to society through participation in regional environmental preservation activities and academic society/association activities.

Organizational framework for
promoting environmental management system

長谷工コーポレーション 体制図

*1 The committee establishes and manages policies on environmental initiatives of the Haseko Group.
*2 Environmental management system

Status of environmental management system

Haseko Corporation, HASEKO REFORM, and Fujikensetsu Co., Ltd. have obtained ISO 14001 environmental management system certification and they are continually managing and improving its environmental activities.

Background to obtaining ISO certification

The Company obtained ISO environmental management system certification in the Kansai and Tokyo regions in July 2001 and October 2001, respectively. In October 2013, we integrated the environmental management systems in Tokyo and Kansai regions and have since been operating the integrated system. As of April 2023, approximately 96% of Haseko Corporation’s offices have obtained the ISO14001 certification. Haseko Reform, Inc. obtained ISO14001 environmental management system certification in March 2014 (at Tokyo and Kansai branch offices). In April 2018, the system was updated to the 2015 version and integrated with the ISO9001 quality management system, and the integrated system has since been in operation. In addition, Fujikensetsu Co., Ltd. also obtained ISO14001 environmental management system certification in December 2020 for its Kansai Branch and February 2021 for its Tokyo Branch.

Going forward, we will continue to engage in environmental management activities.

Initiatives and ongoing improvement

Upon conducting environmental preservation activities, we formulate Environmental Policy, in response to which each division sets environmental goals and numerical targets and carries out the activities accordingly.

The environmental management system is checked by internal audit and external examination as to whether or not it complies with Haseko's determinations including specification requirements, and whether or not it is implemented and maintained properly. Based on the results, the environmental management system is reviewed and improved on an ongoing basis.

The days on which external examination was conducted and the number of matters pointed out in fiscal 2022 were as follows.

Registration date
Last updated
External examination date Number of matters pointed out
in external examination
2022.7.25~27 None
Haseko Reform, Inc. 2014.3.13
2023.2.27~3.2 None
Fujikensetsu Co., Ltd.
(Tokyo Office)
2021.2.22 2022.12.8 None
Fujikensetsu Co., Ltd.
(Kansai Office)
2020.12.21 2022.10.19~20 None

Compliance with environmental regulations

In fiscal 2022, there was no violation of environmental-related laws due to construction works.

FY2022 environmental goals/numerical targets and results and FY2023 plan

The environmental goals/numerical targets and results for FY2021 and the plan for FY2022 are as follows.

FY2022 environmental goals/numerical targets and results

Legend 〇: Target fulfilled △:Target almost fulfilled ×:Target unfulfilled

Divisions Environmental goals Numerical targets Tokyo region Kansai region
Results Assessment Results Assessment
Design divisions Propose environment-conscious designs Utilize environmental
consideration check sheet
Number of proposals adopted ÷ Number of proposals made≧ 95% 97.5%
(76 cases)
(24 cases)
Prevent global warming Utilize new CO2 Emissions Calculation Program CO2reduction rate: 10% or higher
(Standards under Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings, 2016: Entire building)
(76 cases)
(24 cases)
Execution division Reduce construction waste Reduce construction waste Mixed waste: 5kg/m2 or less 2.4kg/m2
(68 cases)
(29 cases)
Recycle mixed waste Recycling rate: 80% or higher 92.3%
(68 cases)
(29 cases)
Prevent global warming Reduce CO2 emissions CO2 generated per unit of net sales
10.5t-CO2/hundred million yen or less
t-CO2/hundred million yen
(68 cases)
t-CO2/hundred million yen
(29 cases)
Office division Reduce CO2 emissions Reduce electricity usage the actual results in fiscal 2020 or less -9.6% −12.2%
Reduce copy paper usage the number of sheets printed in fiscal 2020 or less -24.7% -19.2%
promotion division
(Haseko Technical
Research Institute)
Number of projects launched for R&D subjects that help reduce environmental burden Number of projects launched in the year 8 cases or more 100%
(8 cases)
- -
Average progress rate of R&D subjects Average progress rate on annual goals 90% or higher 96%
(20 subjects)
- -

FY2023 plan

Division Environmental goals Numerical targets
Design divisions Propose environment-conscious designs Utilize environmental consideration check sheet Number of proposals adopted ÷ Number of proposals made≧ 95%
Prevent global warming Utilize new CO2 Emissions Calculation Program CO2reduction rate: 10% or higher
(Standards under Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings, 2016: Entire building)
Execution division Reduce construction waste Reduce construction waste Mixed waste: 4kg/m2 or less
Recycle mixed waste Recycling rate: 83% or higher
Prevent global warming
Reduce CO2 emissions CO2generated per unit of net sales8.5t-CO2/hundred million yen or less
Office division Promote energy saving Reduce electricity usage No more than actual results for fiscal 2022
Effectively use resources Reduce copy paper usage No more than the number of sheets printed in fiscal 2022
Promote green purchasing of stationery Purchasing rate: 90% or higher
promotion division
(Haseko Technical
Research Institute)
Number of projects launched for R&D subjects that help reduce environmental burden Number of projects launched in the year 8 projects or more
Average progress rate of R&D subjects Average progress rate on annual goals 90% or higher

Collaborations with External Organizations

Haseko Corporation is a member of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors (JFCC), which promotes industry-wide measures against global warming. Haseko Corporation supports JFCC's efforts aimed at a low-carbon, recycling-oriented and symbiotic society, and promotes initiatives to alleviate and adapt to climate change.